“ Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Working across various industries as a professional communicator, coach and teacher  I have experienced the benefits ( highs) of functional communication and pitfalls (lows) of dysfunctional communication when it comes to stakeholder relationships, reputation and results.

This pattern of experience has propelled me to create a professional communication service with a win/win approach to max your marks. 

I start with a simple formula Y = f (x)  where:

  • Y is the communication function and purpose - the why?

  • X are the communication activities and frequencies to max your mark i.e X factors

  • f(x) is the communication effect - are you viable and maxing your marks

Allow me to evaluate and elevate your communication value when it comes to impact, influence and income.

invest in the power of professional communication